Eight Important Tips For Moving Across The Country With Your Cat


If you're moving cross country and will be transporting your cat to your new home, you may be a bit apprehensive about how to ensure that your feline friend enjoys a comfortable and stress-free ride. Fortunately, strategies exist for successful long distance trips with cats on board. Following are eight tips sharing your car with your cat during a cross country move. Allow Your Cat to Become Acclimated to Its Carrier

8 June 2017

What You Need To Do When Storing Liquids in Self Storage


Placing liquids in self storage, such as canned goods or unopened paint, can be a great way to keep these items safe from spoiling in the sun and can help you keep them organized. Prior to putting anything liquid in self storage, here are some things you need to do. Separate items If a liquid container has already been opened it may be at risk for leaking or spilling. It's best to separate the items that are originally sealed and those that have been opened for the best self storage use.

1 May 2017

The Challenges of Relocating With Older Children: What to Compare When Selecting a New School


While your out-of-state relocation for a job promotion may have you ecstatic, your children are probably less than thrilled. Relocating with children, particularly preteens and teens, can be challenging, at best. While coping with the attitude your children may give you due to you uprooting them from their friends and life as they know it, you need keep your wits about you to make sure all t's are crossed and all i's are dotted so the transition to a new school is easier for them.

28 March 2017

How To Prepare Artwork For Storage


If you have works of art you no longer have room for in your home or art gallery, you don't have to sell or give them away. It is possible to place them in storage for safe keeping. Art is often costly, and the last thing you want to do is throw them in the closet. Here are tips to safely store your artwork. Prepare to Store For this project, you need:

16 March 2017

Have Your Employees Move These Items During Your Next Office Move


When you run a business and are planning a move, it's a good idea to schedule help from a commercial moving service right away. Having professionals on the job will help to take care of the bulk of the move, but it doesn't hurt to ask your employees to move some of their own things. The average employee won't mind moving a handful of items during the move, and doing so will help productivity remain high regardless of the fact that you are moving from one office to another.

24 February 2017

Tips To Save You Money On Your Storage Rental


It can be frustrating when you need long-term storage but you are on a tight budget. Fortunately, there are ways to save on a storage rental unit. The following tips can help you do just that so that you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Tip #1: Pay attention to location Location often affects the cost of storage. Generally, a facility located near a suburban area is going to cost more simply because taxes and ease of accessibility compared to a unit on the edge of town where the taxes are lower but it's a bit out of the way.

13 February 2017